Rewrite the scheme to show the correct product/s.

Show the stereo chemistry of the compounds using solid and hashed-wedged bonds. Incorrect isomers will not be considered.


– Given in each item is a reaction scheme showing the reactant/s, reagent/s, and major product. If the compound shown at the right side is not the major product, rewrite the scheme to show the correct product/s.

– Propose a feasible mechanism for each reaction.

– Observe the proper construction of reaction mechanisms (arrow positioning, types of arrow heads, lone pair electrons, charges, entry/exit of chemical species, etc.). You may also provide a brief explanation (NMT 5 sentences) for your answer.

– Stereo selectivity and regioselectivity of reactions must be observed, whenever applicable. Show the stereo chemistry of the compounds using solid- and hashed-wedged bonds. Incorrect isomers will not be considered.