Create a structure chart for a function which yields the average employee self-evaluation, grouped by department, for a given two week period.

Choosing between using a simple Word Press template and designing the system from scratch.


You are tasked with designing a system that allows employees to evaluate their own job performance on a bi-weekly basis. You are choosing between using a simple Word Press template and designing the system from scratch. Fill out the below alternative matrix weighing the pros and cons of each based on the criteria of cost, performance, and customizability. Place explain your reasoning for your score choices in the score justifications section.

Criteria Relative Importance A1: Relational Score Weighted Score A2 Score Weighted Score
Cost A1C1 A2C1
Performance A1C2 A2C2
Customizability A1C3 A2C3
Total 100


Score Justifications

Alternative 1 Criterion 1 (A1C1):

Alternative 1 Criterion 2 (A1C2):

Alternative 1 Criterion 3 (A1C3)

Alternative 2 Criterion 1 (A2C1):

Alternative 2 Criterion 2 (A2C2):

Alternative 2 Criterion 3 (A2C3):

Create a storyboard for the employee self-evaluation system, including at least three screens, one involving user inputs.

Create a structure chart for a function which yields the average employee self-evaluation, grouped by department, for a given two week period.

Normalize the following evaluation data base.

Test Case Questions

Create three test cases for the function NoVowels(s) which removes all the vowels from the string s, and returns the resulting string.

Create three test cases for the function ROI(costs, benefits) which returns the result of (benefits – costs)/costs.