Discuss how these medication impacts an individual with the selected conditions ability to exercise or the normal expected exercise response.

Provide information about what exercise tests they recommend for someone with their selected condition.

Part of Presentation- PARKINSONS DISEASE

Students will work in small groups of (four or less) to present (using PowerPoint) a special population to the class on the last two Thursday of the semester.The presentations themselves should be 10-15 minutes in length and include an overview of the condition pathology, effects of the disease on exercise, issues with medications, recommendations for exercise testing, and recommendations for exercise prescription (include special considerations).

A sample presentation can be found by following the link – Sample Presentation. Resources for the presentation will include a chapter out one of the required texts (Williamson 2011 and/or ACSM GETP 10th Ed. or 11th Ed.) and at least one peer-reviewed article from a professional journal (not an article on the internet) located by the students. Information should be presented in your own words and not taken word for word from the book or article.

Each student in the group is to participate equally in the research, development and presentation of the project. All presentations need to be sent to me or uploaded a specific “page” within course Canvas site prior to class on the day the presentation is to be given. See below or click here for more complete description on how the presentation will be evaluated.


Overview of pathophysiology: Students are expected to review the basic functional changes that occur within their selected condition. This includes criteria leading to and as a result of the condition the group selects.

Effects of exercise: Discuss how exercise can benefit and harm an individual with the selected condition.

Issues with medications: Review common medications someone with the selected condition would likely be taking. Discuss how these medication impacts an individual with the selected conditions ability to exercise or the normal expected exercise response.

Recommendations for exercise testing: The group will be expected to provide information about what exercise tests they recommend for someone with their selected condition. They will discuss why the recommend them and what information is pertinent about they would plan to use the information gathered form the test.

Recommendations for exercise prescription: The group will be expected to make general recommendation about the elements included and avoided in most exercise program for individual with their selected condition. They need to discuss why those exercises are either included or avoided.

Visual quality of presentation: Students are expected to make a presentation that is easy to follow visually and include appropriate pictures, videos, or other media where appropriate in a manner consistent with the capabilities of a power point presentation.

Quality of verbal delivery: Students will be expect to deliver the material using appropriate terminology in a clear and easy to hear voice at an easy to follow speed.

Ability to respond to questions: Students will be asked questions from their peer or from the professor. Group members should be able to respond with a level of knowledge appropriate to the class. The professor will determine what that level is, i.e., if students cannot respond to a question that is above the expected level of knowledge no points will be lost.

Presentation timing: Presentations (not including Q&A time) is to be a minimum of 10 minutes and maximum of 15 minutes.

Quality and use of peer-reviewed article: Students are to use at least one-peer reviewed article to develop the presentations. Points will be earned or lost based upon if students did this and the level to which they included that information as well as the quality of the information they used.