Did you gain an understanding or make a connection with any of the art you interacted with?

Why were you drawn to this particular work

The Nelson Museum Visit and Reflection

The Nelson Atkins in Kansas City is a world class art museum, with a truly wonderful collection spanning all time periods and genres. personal favorite is the Caravaggio (one of only 7 in the States) and the Impressionist/Post Impressionist collection. The Egyptian collection is stunning as well. Admission is free, however special exhibits may cost, seeing them would be your choice.

The Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art – Kansas City

As you take in the art, be aware and make a note of the following:

Which style/period appeals to you most? Why?

Which particular work of art did you like best?

Why were you drawn to this particular work?

How did the surroundings/setting of the museum and display of the art affect your experience?

Did you gain an understanding or make a connection with any of the art you interacted with?

Soon after your visit, write a two-page (double-spaced) reflection that addresses the above questions. Be sure to use proper language and spell check as you write