select a celebrity of choice Donald Trump and then imagine that their celebrity is downgraded to the lifestyle of an “average” human being.

Students will work in groups of 6 for this assignment.

Together, each group will select a celebrity of choice Donald Trump and then imagine that their celebrity is downgraded to the lifestyle of an “average” human being.

This means that they have to scale their lifestyle down to a salary of $45,000 a year, find a job based on their transferable skills, and learn how to live without the assistance of chauffeurs, butlers, chefs, maids, stylists etc. in a small town by the Bayou in a Cajun-French speaking part of Louisiana where the culture is very different than that of Washington DC or Hollywood.

As a group, complete a functional skills assessment of this individual by analyzing and answering the following questions:

List this person’s strengths, limitations/barriers, skills, support system etc. based on their new lifestyle (5 points).
What might be some things this person might struggle with during the transition and what are some recommendations you would make as a group to assist him/her with the transition (5 points)?
What kind of jobs might this person now be good at in his/her new location based on the skills this person already has (5 points)? Be sure to identify the transferable skills that will be used in each suggested job.
Will this person be able to manage a budget, take care of his/her home, take care of self, and integrate well into society by himself/herself? If not, what resources might you recommend for this individual so they are able to live a wholesome life (5 points)?