Reflect on how the practitioners’ premises and other employees were used effectively for advertising / marketing.

Reflective essay on the observation of 2 Herbal practitioners.

Herbal medicine. level 6, grade 70% + Ideal writer with great vocabulary and writing and improvisation and business running skills. Just imagine you are a patient or maybe you already are a patient in herbal clinic or someone that dreaming of opening herbal clinic one day. Reflective essay of 1,500 words (+ / – 10%).

The emphasis of the observations is how each practitioner relates to their client from the perspective of developing, and continuing a business relationship.

Reflect on as a minimum;

• How the practitioners’ premises and other employees were used effectively for
advertising / marketing.
• How the practitioner managed expectation around future treatment.
• Whether the practitioners used any motivational or similar techniques with their
• The effects of these communication techniques.
• What the student has learned professionally or personally.
• What the student liked and what they would have done differently or what would
they use in their own practice.