Why is fluorodeoxy glucose used in PET scans? And how does it indicate the presence of cancer cells?

Module 5 project.

Cancer cells, like normal cells, grow and rely on the metabolic pathways you
learned about in this module. How they do it differs from normal cells. The
difference has provided a diagnostic tool for detecting cancer. It may also provide
the key to stopping cancer cell growth. As you read the article below and watch the videos, think about how the pathways described relate to the big picture you have seen throughout this module.


Here is a brief blog on metabolism of cancer cells.
Watch the videos below and answer the following questions:
Targeting Cancer Cell Metabolism
Warburg Effect: Hallmark of Cancer
How does a PET scan work?
In a Word document, first create a separate Title Page that contains the name of
the project, along with your name and the date. Then, answer the questions below:
1. Summarize the difference between cancer cells and normal cells, in terms of
metabolic activity, in your own words. Be sure to address the presence or
absence of oxygen, pyruvate, and lactate. (Your answer should be about
25-50 words)

2. PET scans are used as a diagnostic for cancer cells. Describe how PET scans
work in your own words. (Your answer should be about 25-50 words)

3. Why is fluorodeoxy glucose used in PET scans? And how does it indicate the
presence of cancer cells?

4. In the above articles and videos, there is a discussion of the role of pyruvate
and lactate. Draw the two structures and circle on your drawings exactly
where the two structures differ. Submit a photo of your drawing with your
student ID card visible with your Project. Make sure your image is clear. If
the image can not be read, it can not be evaluated.

5. Draw the reaction that can occur to convert one to the other (pyruvate and
lactate). Show how NADH is involved in the reaction and give the name of any enzyme.