Discuss how you can create a plan/solution to introduce healthy food options that are low cost, but also meet the unique tastes and preferences of your culture or ethnic group.

Food & Culture Advocate.

-Discuss how you can create a plan/solution to introduce healthy food options that are low cost, but also meet the unique tastes and preferences of your culture or ethnic group.

-Provide one goal for an improved diet to reduce disease and unhealthy eating.

-Explain how your group can reconnect with food. Would your plan involve a farmers market, community garden, cooking exchange, or food trade group?

-As a foundation for reciprocity, describe how everyone can share in the resources as well as serve others in the community who may not have equal access to time, labor, money, or other resources.

-Explore the concept of a division of labor based on age or gender roles. If your division of labor is overlapping, please explain how the community can work together to achieve your goal.