Explain the challenge to the idea of human moral equality presented by Jeff McMahan , and how a theistic account of the basis of moral equality might be able to answer this challenge.

Phil reflection paper

See files:

Williams – The Human Prejudice

Leiter – The Death of God and the Death of Morality

McMahan – Challenges to Human Equality

Choose only one prompt to write on. Reflection papers should be 1.5 pages (double spaced, 12-point font). The first half should explain the theories, arguments, and/or concepts mentioned in the prompt; the second half should be your own reflection on the question(s) posed after “then consider”.

Prompt 1:
Explain the challenge to the idea of human moral equality presented by Jeff McMahan , and how a theistic account of the basis of moral equality might be able to answer this challenge.

Do you think the theistic account is successful in answering this challenge? Why or why not?

Prompt 2:
Explain Jeremy Waldron’s religiously inspired idea of a “dynamic” (or “narrative”) account of human moral worth and dignity

Do you think this type of account is more plausible than the “static” accounts offered by utilitarianism and Kantianism? Why or why not?

Prompt 3:
Explain Bernard Williams’ critique of the idea of “absolute importance,” and his alternative proposal for why our fellow human beings warrant preferential treatment.

Do you think Williams’ proposal establishes human moral equality? Why or why not?