Select one ‘iconic garment’ from the list below and one contemporary fashion designer or brand who has reimagined the iconic garment in contemporary fashion and create a question.

Fashion history essay

1) Select one ‘iconic garment’ from the list below.

The corset ,The suit ,The denim jacket, The little black dress ,The trench coat ,The handbag ,The tie ,The fur coat ,The blazer, The white shirt ,The mini skirt ,The boiler suit, The t-shirt ,The leather jacket

You can choose a different iconic garment as long as it is agreed with your tutor.

2) Select one contemporary fashion designer or brand who has reimagined the iconic garment in contemporary fashion.

3) Create a question using the following format: How has [select contemporary fashion designer or brand] reimagined [input your selected iconic garment] from its historic origins in contemporary fashion?

4) Select a minimum of 2 academic texts to research you history and its new role in contemporary fashion.