Referring to the video above, what are one or two big ideas expressed between 6:00 and 8:00 of Crash Course Philosophy #8 that have made an impression on you? Explain why they made an impression on you personally.

Crash Course Philosophy

[1] Watch the Crash Course Philosophy video #8 at (Karl Popper, Science, and Pseudoscience). Answer in roughly 50 words this question: how does this video’s presentation of Karl Popper’s idea of science as falsifiability connect with the concepts expressed in Lecture 02 about what science is? If it doesn’t, explain why not.

[2] Referring to the video above, what are one or two big ideas expressed between 6:00 and 8:00 of Crash Course Philosophy #8 that have made an impression on you? Explain why they made an impression on you personally.