Find and research an article or study that relates to real/potential adverse issues involving the use of composites in aviation.

Composite Failure

Find and research an article or study that relates to real/potential adverse issues involving the use of composites in aviation.

You may focus on various elements, such as:

Difficulties and limitations in manufacturing composite parts/structures;
Difficulties involved in repairing composite articles (i.e., autoclave ovens and vacuum sealing);
Careful attention to material handling of composite articles (i.e., the sensitive nature of handling composite material without damaging it);
Difficulties involved in detecting failures of composite articles (i.e., fatigue signs, debonding, internal damage, etc.);
Instantaneous vs. progressive failures;
Health risks to employees working with and around composites (i.e., eyes, skin, breathing fibers into lungs, etc.); or
Any other issue you find interesting and would like to share.