Critically evaluate whether the proposed reforms will rebalance current approaches to mental health legislation and policy.

Mental Health Law and Policy.

Choose ONE question from the three assessment questions below:

Question 1: Mental Health and Criminal Justice

It is submitted that,
“Individuals with mental health problems … fare poorly in the justice system. Police officers and staff often manage the critical gateway that determines whether an individual experiencing a mental health problem enters the justice system or not. Whilst courts and prisons offer later opportunities for diversion, this initial interaction can be the most critical and merits a well-designed, integrated and funded service.” 1

Critically evaluate this statement with reference to relevant primary, secondary sources of law and academic commentary.

Question 2: Mental Health Act Reform.

The Government in ‘Reforming the Mental Health Act’2, propose several changes to rebalance current mental health legislation and policy, and place the patient at the centre of the decision-making process.

Critically evaluate whether the proposed reforms will rebalance current approaches to mental health legislation and policy.