Explain the advantages and disadvantages of hiring each candidate.Which of your ethical tools is best to use to solve this dilemma?Who would you ultimately hire and why?



Hiring Candidate 1 would give the company hope and liability to overcome the current unhealthy status, because Candidate 1 has a stellar sales record selling supplies to similar types of organizations. His vast experiences and higher sales numbers have an incredible reputation than the other two Candidates. One of the disadvantages of Candidate 1 is that his age might not be the best fit for the company to overcome the company’s current unhealthy status. Because the buyers are increasingly younger, female, African American and Southeast Asian, Candidate 1 could not be the best fit as he is a white middle-aged man. Also, because of his middle-age, this could affect his ability of selective attention, working memory, information processing, rapid reaction, or physical strength.

Hiring Candidate 2 would put the company in a better position to overcome the current unhealthy status. Candidate 2 is a young man of Southeast Asian descent who is a technical whizbang. Sales growth would automatically increase because some buyers are increasingly younger, female, and Southeast Asian. They speak the same language, have the same culture and values, and the understanding and corporation would establish. He’s worked at several companies that relied heavily on 3D printers. He regaled you with stories of the innovative uses to which he put them. His sales numbers were also respectable, though not as high as Candidate 1. One of the disadvantages of Candidate 2 for not being a good choice would be because he is a male, and the buyers are increasingly younger, female, and African American.

Hiring Candidate 3 stands a greater chance over the other two candidates because hiring her would make the company grow rapidly and healthy. She is a young female African American woman who has a background in IT, having sold computers and office equipment for much of her career. Sales growth would rapidly increase because some buyers are increasingly younger, female African Americans. Her story of struggling to pay her college fees that led her to start selling Tupperware at first, in her neighborhood and then across the city is highly motivated, strong, brave, and a proof to show that she is resilient. Also, her reputation as one of Tupperware’s top salespersons is firmly convincing. Candidate 3 job experience as an administrative assistant with a large office equipment manufacturer has given her an experienced administrative position. Lastly, Candidate 3 persistence of improvement, incredible reputation, rapid growth, and persistent success have proven her position as the top candidate who never gives up on her dreams. 3D printing is her dream job. One disadvantage of Candidate 3 from being hired is that Candidate 3 sales were not as large as Candidate 1, and some of the young buyers are increasingly younger, female, Southeast Asian.
Arise from facts and situations (but are different from facts and legal issues) and show the ethical values reflected in virtues of honesty, compassion, and loyalty. Yes, I see the ethical issues in choosing which candidate to hire.
An ethical dilemma (for a business) may be a multi-faceted problem a company faces that is described in an either/or statement that defines options open to a company to resolve an ethical issue either/or statement also includes possible consequences of each option. The best ethical tools I used to solve this dilemma are the virtues of honesty, compassion, and loyalty.

Candidate 3 would ultimately hire because she has a greater chance over the other two candidates. Candidate 3 would make the company grow rapidly and healthy. She is a young female African American woman who has a background in IT, having sold computers and office equipment for much of her career. Sales growth would rapidly increase because some buyers are increasingly younger, female African Americans. Her story of struggling to pay her college fees that led her to start selling Tupperware at first, in her neighborhood and then across the city is highly motivated, strong, brave, and a proof to show that she is resilient. Also, her reputation as one of Tupperware’s top salespersons is firmly convincing. Candidate 3 has job experience as an administrative assistant with a large office equipment manufacturer has given her an experienced administrative position. Lastly, Candidate 3 persistence of improvement, incredible reputation, rapid growth, and persistent of success has proven her position as the top candidate who never gave up on her dreams. 3D printing is her dream job.

Explain the advantages and disadvantages of hiring each candidate.Which of your ethical tools is best to use to solve this dilemma?Who would you ultimately hire and why?