Critically discuss the extent to which policies of providers or regulators of the chosen health professions curriculum might place constraints on or, conversely, facilitate the move to online provision.

COVID-19 pandemic

In light of the global COVID-19 pandemic, managers of health professions curricula have been obliged to move teaching and assessment online, where practical; and to find solutions to the reduced availability of clinical placements and clinical assessments. For a health professions curriculum of your choice, and in relation to a global crisis such as the COVID-19 pandemic.

(a) Critically discuss the resource issues occasioned by a move from classroom/campus-based teaching and assessment, to online teaching and assessment.

(b) Critically discuss the extent to which policies of providers or regulators of the chosen health professions curriculum might place constraints on or, conversely, facilitate the move to online provision.

(c) Propose evidence-based alternatives to the use of clinical placements and clinical assessments to deliver the chosen health professions curriculum.