Describe each of the following leadership styles and any associated theories.


Drawing on relevant literature,

a) Describe each of the following leadership styles and any associated theories.

(i) Democratic leadership

(ii) Transactional leadership

(iii) Pace-setting leadership

b) Critically discuss the extent to which these different styles of leadership would be appropriate or potentially effective in the following health professions education contexts (50%)

(i) Implementation of an integrated curriculum in lieu of a traditional (pre-clinical/clinical) curriculum (25%)

(ii) Implementation of online/blended delivery of a health professions curriculum in a crisis situation, such as the 2020 covid-19 pandemic (25%)

c) Critically discuss whether and how the leadership styles in part (a) may be developed in those with a leadership role. (30%)

The word limit for this assignment is 2000 words, excluding any references or appendices.