Observe and discuss how the helping professional engages and assesses this client/character, and then share how you would engage, assess, and formulate an initial treatment plan for the client based on an evidence-based practice.

Social Work Practicum

Step 1: This assignment will focus on the initial stages of the Generalist Intervention Model- engagement, interviewing, and initial assessment.

Choose a film or episode from the Show List to use for this assignment. You may not choose a film or show that is not on this list.

Show List:

Good Will Hunting
Hoarders on A&E
Intervention on A&E

Check Amazon Prime Video, YouTube, Discovery+ and Netflix as these shows may be available on different platforms.Find episodes on A&E online on the Hoarder’s home page or Intervention Full Episodes, Video & More | A&E (aetv.com)

Step 2: While watching the episode or film, choose one character/client to use as the focus for this assignment and focus on the biopsychosocial
factors that may impact the client and engagement.

Observe and discuss how the helping professional engages and assesses this
client/character, and then share how you would engage, assess, and formulate an initial treatment plan for the client based on an evidence-based practice.