Based on your learning related to this course, how would you diagnose what is really going on in the organization selected?

Change Initiative Assessment

Based on your learning related to this course, how would you diagnose what is really going on in the organization selected?

How well do the organizational leaders/members understand what the issues really are?

How ready is the organization to change in terms of awareness, motivation, flexibility, and skill?

Given the context of the change (social, political, economic, customer need, etc.), how big a change is required to move the organization to a productive and effective mode of existence?

Analyze the company’s particular approach to change. Why did the organization take one particular approach to change rather than other possible ones? How effectively was the particular change attempt carried out?

How did resistance to change manifest itself? How effectively was the resistance addressed?

What were the objectives of the change effort? How successful was the change effort given its objectives?

How might the organization have used some of the materials and learnings from this course to increase the success of the change effort?

What consulting strategy would you use in working with the organization?

What recommendations would you make to the organization on how to be more effective in implementing and/or sustaining changes going forward?