Collect data and analyze usable information about the community residents. Data gathering involves compiling information that already exists.

Synthesis Paper Wake County, North Carolina.

Address the following criteria in your paper and identify/label paper sections following APA guidelines.

Phase One: Define the Community
1. Name of Community: Wake County, North Carolina
2. Location, boundaries, size in miles/acres, physical environment including any environmental

Phase Two: Assessment

Collect data and analyze usable information about the community residents. Data
gathering involves compiling information that already exists. Data can be collected from a variety of valid
and professional sources.
Include the following:
1. Biophysical aspects including population (number of residents), age, gender, race/ethical
2. Psychosocial and cultural aspects including socioeconomic status, number and level of
educational facilities, average or prevailing education level, major occupations,
unemployment rate, religious facilities/churches, cultural considerations
3. Behavioral aspects including recreation and exercise facilities, substance use and abuse,
sexual activity (teenage pregnancy, STD’s, HIV)
4. Health care services available in the community including the levels of care provided (primary,
secondary, tertiary) and factors such as adequacy, affordability, accessibility, and
5. Overall health status of the community and any vulnerable groups. Using mortality and
morbidity rates identify the leading causes of death (top 3), prevalence of chronic illness (top
3). Compare with the mortality and morbidity rates of the state and nation.