Choose one of the roles above and create a PowerPoint presentation outlining a career development program for the employee.

Creating a Career Development Program

As the director of learning and development, you have been tasked with creating a career development program for the senior sales team of your organization. You currently support five individuals on the senior sales team. Each team member has aspirations of becoming either a senior sales manager, sales director, or vice president of sales. None of the team members have any experience in leading a team, but they show some potential for management.

Choose one of the roles above and create a PowerPoint presentation outlining a career development program for the employee.

In your PowerPoint, please include the elements below.

  • Describe skills needed to be successful in the desired role.
  • Discuss three to four training and developmental interventions needed to gain the skills to be successful in the desired role, and provide a timeframe of completion for each intervention.
  • Explain the outcomes of each developmental intervention.

Your presentation must be at least 10 slides in length, not counting the title and reference slides.