Evaluate normality using the appropriate test. In 30 words or less, report the statistical test and indicate what the results of the code reveal . Was the assumption violated? How can you tell?

Word-knitted version of the completed R Markdown

1 .First, as always, let’s visualize the data. In the code chunk for this question make the appropriate figure visualizing the attendance for each of the venues. Your figure should show each of the individual data points as well as a different geom displaying a summary for each venue, a colour schemeĀ  with different colours for each venue and the colours of the data points matching the geom, no legend, and of course a title, informative axis labels, and a nice theme.

2 .There are several assumptions you could test, but for the sake of simplicity we will focus on the normality assumption . Evaluate normality using the appropriate test. In 30 words or less, report the statistical test and indicate what the results of the code reveal . Was the assumption violated? How can you tell?

3. Run the appropriate statistical test to evaluate the research hypothesis given Q2. Report on the results in 60 words or less. In your report, don’t worry about including descriptive statistics but do include an explanation of which statistical test you used, what the predictor and outcome variables were, the appropriate stats reference, the effect size and its interpretation, and the interpretation of this data in terms of the research question.

4 . Perform post-hoc pairwise tests and in 40 words or less, report the tests and which venues had significantly lower attendance than others, along with their p-values. You do not need to report the non-significant venues or their p-values.