What can be learned from the scenario you selected in the video?Describe the Leadership and Management role to make this a healthy work environment?

Professional Identity.

Use the link below to access background information of the video.

Azariev, M., Darkwah, A., Hope-Gilpo, M., Langille, J., Moodie, K., & Reid, Thomas, B. (2011) What is Horizontal Violence .

Read the proceeding article What is Horizontal Violence and watch the video.

https://horizontalviolence.wordpress.com/ (Links to an external site.)
Next: You will need to view the You-Tube video below:

Horizontal Violence in Nursing :https://youtu.be/rLgEf4wUoos

Choose one of the scenarios from the second video and answer the following questions.

1-What can be learned from the scenario you selected in the video?
2-Describe the Leadership and Management role to make this a healthy work environment?
3-Indicate what conflict resolution techniques were utilized in the changed portion of the scenario?
4-What is the impact of Horizontal Violence and bullying in Nursing?
5-How does Horizontal Violence impact self-care, patient care, and other members of the healthcare team?