Provide a response of 200 words and have at least 2 to 3 references to the following.

Response to Keisha Smallwood.

Provide a response of  200 words and have at least 2 to 3 references to the following.

As seen in the call of Isiah and Joel, the cross-field technological adaption contributes to the conservation of resources. The world has a scarcity of resources, and for God and the community, we all could put it it use, in this society we had to adapt the cross-field technological advancements to survive, and to be able to show someone else. The contemporary business environment, the two calls from Isiah and Joel enables the community to create the following views concerning the cross-field technological advancement. First, cross-field adaptions minimize the consumption of energy (Foo, 2016). Saving aspects enable the society to divide the saved energy to various groups in need. Second, the method is cost-effective, implying that the approach will allocate alternative strategies during the time of peace or war. The limits waste creating an environmentally friendly system for consumers of products (Metz et al., 2000). Technology develops to provide environmental sustainability, which upheld a reasonable cultural requirement. The technology helps in fulfilling the social responsibilities. Considering Isiah and Joel’s case, advancement in technologies aligns the sacred social responsibility from a spiritual perspective. Arguing towards the contemporary business environment, technology is meant to maintain a social and cultural commitment to safeguarding users’ interests.