Write a concise annotation which summarizes the central theme and scope of the article.Explain why this article might be selected for a summative final research paper .

Annotated Bibliography

Choose 5 scholarly peer-reviewed journal articles which address Classical and/or Operant Conditioning. You might want to take a look at the Research Paper: Final Paper Submission Instructions (under assignments) to get an understanding of what you will be looking for to support your final paper.

Each scholarly journal article must have been published in the most recent 5 years.

Check your understanding of the current APA format for annotations in the Liberty Online Library under annotated bibliography.

Cite the first article in current APA format.

Write a concise annotation  which summarizes the central theme and scope of the article.Explain why this article might be selected for a summative final research paper (400word).

Do not use first person.

Repeat for additional articles.

Current APA style is required.