Now that you have reviewed the examples, identify a nursing theory and describe how it is applied in your current clinical practice.


For example, falls in clinical practice are highly correlated with patients who have dementia. This is the phenomenon. The concepts related to the phenomenon are “risk and safety.” The assumption is that patients with dementia have a risk of safety.

Another example is the phenomena of death and dying by Dr. Elizabeth Kübler-Ross. Dr. Kübler-Ross identified the concept of death and dying and formalized 5 stages from the phenomena she observed when interviewing patients and family members.

Now that you have reviewed the examples, identify a nursing theory and describe how it is applied in your current clinical practice.

Ways of Knowing and Nursing Profession.

  • Barbara Carper’s influence on nursing practice is significant. As all theorists do, she has a perspective through which she views nursing care and practice.

Reflect on how Barbara Carper views the following patterns of knowledge:
• Empirical knowledge (the science)
• Esthetic knowledge (the art)
• Ethical knowing (what constitutes good actions for that patient)
• Personal knowing (nurse‒patient relationship)

Determine how the use of Carper’s Ways of Knowing are applied in your place of practice. Cite a practice scenario in which you could or do apply the theory to patient care.