How has health care funding and health care system performance affect the success of Public Health efforts. Are there other funding sources that could be used to negate the discussed Public Health issues? Offer examples.

Public health issues

Assess public health issues, selecting relevant standards from one or more recognized public health assessment tools.

Write a Critical Analysis Report on the County’s Public Health Status, including “A” through “F” below.

1. How has health care funding and health care system performance affect the success of Public Health efforts. Are there other funding sources that could be used to negate the discussed Public Health issues? Offer examples.

2. Discuss differences in top death and disability reasons and explain how Public Health programs and other funding contribute to combating them. Are the death and disability reasons interdependent with the county characteristics you chose to analyze?

3. Discuss which data sources belong to the national (the country’s) or Global Governance structure and why it is important in terms of the country profile.

  • Paper formatted in APA 7.
  • Use about 5 credible sources to support your conclusions.
  • Title, References, and 5 page report with conclusion