Russia and Ukrainian conflict : Describe the event in detail. Explain what is happening, who is involved and where it is taking place.

Russia and Ukrainian conflict.

Describe the event in detail. Explain what is happening, who is involved and where it is taking place.

Describe the history of this event. What caused it? What are its roots? Why is it still ongoing? How has the current event changed or evolved from what originally started it?

Evaluate the impact that this event will have on our society.

Synthesize a “what-if” scenario to describe how this event might turn out. How will it end?

What might be a long-term impact of it? Who will be impacted in the future by the way that this event unfolds?

  • Use and cite at least three sources using the APA citations format on a separate Works Cited page at the end of the essay.
  • The paper should be approximately 1000 words.