How can the study of foreign involvement in OR responses to the French Revolution enrich understanding of the events and their legacy upon Modern Europe?

Research Essay Questions


1. How can the study of foreign involvement in OR responses to the French Revolution enrich understanding of the events and their legacy upon Modern Europe?

2. How do you account for developments in Robespierre’s political career from 1789 to his downfall and execution in 1794?

3. How have historians used records of the Congress of Vienna to explore new research questions about politics and diplomacy in the nineteenth century?

4. What role did intellectuals play in the 1848 revolutions and/or in shaping the legacy of the revolutions?

5. How can British press sources aid our understanding of the impact and legacy of the French Revolution across the Channel?

6. How can the historian use the first person accounts (diaries and letters) of British traveller and agriculturalist Arthur Young to develop understanding of Revolutionary France?

7. How can analysis of Ernest Renan, “What is a Nation? (1882)” in Stuart Woolf (ed.)

8. Explore the impact of industrialisation on European families and the making of the working class?