Employ the Box-Jenkins approach, identify the ARMA form of the assigned inflation rates following the steps below

Econometrics report

Use Eviews software to complete this assignment. Submit both the Eviews file and the written report.

1. Employ the Box-Jenkins approach, identify the ARMA form of the assigned inflation rates following the steps below:

a. Plot the correlogram of the time series. (2 marks)

b. From the correlogram, propose three models AR, MA or ARMA that could potentially be suitable for this time series. Provide justification for the choices.
(10 marks)

c. Estimate all of the proposed and compare their Akaike Information Criteria to identify the most suitable model for the assigned inflation rate. (15 marks)

2.a. Apply the Fama-French 3-factor model on the log return your assigned US company. The Fama-French 3-factor model has the following form:

b. models (10 marks)

Report your estimation results and comment on the significance levels of the estimated coefficients. Comment on the meaning and significance of all the factors.

c. Is Fama-French a good model for the particular stock? Explain your answer with evidence from your computation. (5 marks)

3. Conduct the ARCH-LM test on the residuals of the estimation of model (1) in question 2. Report and comment on the result of the test. (5 marks)

4.a. Estimate the Fama-French 3-factor model with GARCH(1,1) on the company stock return. Comment on the estimated result regarding the magnitude and significance of the model. (10 marks)

b. Discuss if introducing GARCH(1,1) for this model is appropriate. (5 marks)

5. Apply a bivariate VAR model to the monthly log return on S&P500 and the monthly log return on your given index.

a. Report the optimal lag-length table. What are the optimal lag lengths according to different criteria? (3 marks)