In your response go beyond a rehashing of factual details, spending time explaining “Why?” and “How?” the information conveyed is important and what are “Implications” regarding the Dream.

Janie’s American Dream

Janie’s American Dream is a Dream fundamentally linked to her realization of self hood and an organic union with another in a period when women, especially women of color, are forced to accept traditional expectations of womanhood both confining and subservient. In detail and addressing the novel as well as the Dream, defend one of the following thesis statements. Be sure to support your response with relevant and specific quotations (take care to not string your quotes and to avoid block quotation). Be as specific and detailed as possible.

In your response go beyond a rehashing of factual details, spending time explaining “Why?” and “How?” the information conveyed is important and what are “Implications” regarding the Dream.

  • Cite your work using the MLA format, and provide a properly formatted Works Cited page.
  • 12-point font, Times New Roman, 1-inch Margins, single-spaced. Minimum 1250 words.