Do you forget to take your medication due to your busy schedule, travelling, meeting, events at home, party, marriage, religious celebrations ?

Interoception and Adherence to Medication for Chronic Ilnesses

General Medication Adherence Scale:

1. Do you have difficulty remembering to take your medication?
2. Do you forget to take your medication due to your busy schedule, travelling, meeting, events at home, party, marriage, religious celebrations ?
3. Do you discontinue your medication when you feel well?
4. Do you stop taking medication when you feel adverse effects such as gastric discomfort etc?
5. Do you stop taking medications without informing the doctor?
6. Do you discontinue your medicines due to other medicines that you have to take for your additional disease
7. Do you find it is a hassle to remember your medications due to medication regime complexity?
8. Do you alter the medication regime, does and frequency by yourself?