Define and discuss the condition the patient is presenting with, including the relevant related pathophysiology.

Case scenario:

Sara is a 3-month-old baby admitted to the ward with possible bronchiolitis. She was born at 31 weeks gestation and spent four weeks in the neonatal unit. Sara has chronic lung disease of prematurity. Since discharge from the neonatal unit Sara has requires supplementary oxygen of 0.5L/min via nasal prongs at home to maintain oxygen saturation above 97%, and is regularly reviewed by the respiratory team. Sara’s mum is with her on the ward, but has had to leave her other child Josh, who is 16 months old, at home with his dad. On admission to the ward Sara is dehydrated, has a respiratory rate of 56 and oxygen saturation of 87% (with the supplementary oxygen). Her temperature is 38.2 C and there is an audible wheeze.

In relation to the above scenario:

1. Define and discuss the condition the patient is presenting with, including the relevant related pathophysiology. (500 words)

2. Using a systematic approach, discuss the assessment and the priorities of nursing care related to the scenario demonstrate an understanding of the biopsychosocial factors that may influence the patient’s care. (1500 words)

3. Critically discuss the impact of acute illness on the patient and family. (1000 words)