Choose one or more of the quotes that you feel most closely represent(s) your attitude, approach, evaluation, and interaction with art. In essay format, explain why you chose the quote or quotes that you did, and how each one illustrates your feelings about art.


Choose one or more of the quotes that you feel most closely represent(s) your attitude, approach, evaluation, and interaction with art.  In essay format, explain why you chose the quote or quotes that you did, and how each one illustrates your feelings about art.

  • Your answer should be at least one word-processed (double-spaced, size 12 font) page in length, and you should include at least three specific examples of art to illustrate and support your argument.

1. ” I mean that you need to refer to an individual work of art, rather than a genre. In other words, you will need to refer to Monet’s Waterlilies, rather than to painting in general.”

2. ”In the past, the primary cause of failing scores on the final paper has been the failure to use specific examples as support for the answers–so consider yourself fore-warned!”