Provide a ten page paper through which you describe the project, its society benefit, your impact on the organization and your personal observations on how you were affected by the experience.

Service Learning Reflection Paper Requirements.

Provide a ten page paper  through which you describe the project, its society benefit, your impact on the organization and your personal observations on how you were affected by the experience.

Reflection Paper Specifics

1. Include a cover page, specifics provided below.
2. The paper should be 10 pages in length
3. Text should be typed double-spaced, using 12-point font size, with 1” margins (top, bottom, sides).
4. Indent paragraphs five spaces.
5. All pages, except the title page, must be numbered at the bottom, center.
6. Running header should include your name (first initial and last name only) 10-point font size.