Discuss at least 3 generally held beliefs about our criminal justice system that the series addresses . What are these beliefs? And how does the series, be specific with scene(s) information, support or contradict these beliefs?

Ethics and Policy in Criminal Justice

Watch Either:

Seven Seconds (Netflix 10 episode series)


Making of a Murderer Season 1 (Netflix 10 episode series)

1. Discuss at least 3 generally held beliefs about our criminal justice system that the series addresses . What are these beliefs? And how does the series, be specific with scene(s) information, support or contradict these beliefs?

2. Discuss at least 3 examples of unethical actions/decision-making (but not illegal), and why it is unethical, committed by Law Enforcement in the series. Provide the episode number and a short description of the scene.

3. Discuss at least 3 examples of unethical actions/decision-making (but not illegal), and why it is unethical, committed by the Courts (Judge; Jurors; Defense; Prosecution) in the series. Provide the episode number and a short description of the scene.

4. Discuss at least 3 examples of illegal actions, and why it is illegal, committed by Law Enforcement and the Courts in the series. Provide the episode number and a short description of the scene.

5. Discuss the role the media played in these cases? How did the media frame the cases? Provide episode numbers and short descriptions of scenes to illustrate your answer.

6. Discuss at least 3 examples of bias in the criminal justice system portrayed in the series. Why is it bias ? Provide the episode number and a short description of the scene.

7. Discuss the 1 action/decision that in your mind was the most unethical—even outlandish—taken in the cases described in the series. Why is this action/decision the one that you think is the most ‘out of line’ ethically? Provide the episode number and a short description of the scene.