Calculate the Macaulay duration and modified duration of these bonds. Use an online duration calculator. Present the results of your calculations in your project. How will changes in interest rates affect the bonds’ prices?

FInc paper

Find quotations of five to eight corporate bonds that contain a price under “Last Sale” and Ratings of Moody’s and Standard & Poor’s (S&P) 500. Not all companies list their bonds on this website. You can use bonds from the same company or choose different companies. Choose the bonds with different maturities, different coupon payments, and so on. Be creative!

1. To grade your project your professor needs to see the information on the bonds you chose. Copy the bonds quotations into your project.

2. What were the last prices of the bonds ? What does this price mean?

3. Assume the par value of the bond is $1,000.
a. How much will an investor pay for a bond purchased at the price listed in the
Last Sale column?
b. Calculate the annual coupon interest payments.
Show your work in your project.

4. The YTM is listed in quotations of the bonds . What does it mean? (No calculations are required for this section.)

5. Calculate the Macaulay duration and modified duration of these bonds. Use an
online duration calculator. Present the results of your calculations in your project.
How will changes in interest rates affect the bonds’ prices?

6. Using the forecast of interest rates (short-term and long-term) that you found in
Stage 1 of the project, create a forecast of the bonds’ prices. Explain your results.

7. Write at least two pages of analysis of the bonds. Answer the following questions, explaining each answer.
a. If you are going to buy a bond, which bond would you choose? Why?
b. What connections are there among economic trends analysis, bond market
performance, and investment decisions? Discuss these connections.
c. Look at the balance sheet and income statement of the companies. What
data or ratios support your decision to buy this bond or not?