Select one standard crime against persons . Then research and discuss the elements that would need to be proven in court under English Common law ensuring that terms are defined.

Kidnapping as a Crime Against People.

For this essay, you will focus on crimes against people.

Select one standard crime against persons . Then research and discuss the elements that would need to be proven in court under English Common law ensuring that terms are defined.

Research a state for its statute(s) for the same crime and explain the elements that need to be proven today.

Compare and contrast English Common Law with the state statute(s).

In this part of the essay, you will be selecting a state criminal statute and researching the elements of the stature and the historical common law upon which the statute is based.

Select one standard crime against persons such as:

  • Assault
  • Rape
  • Kidnapping
  • Battery
  • Any standard crime against persons