Reflection : What was the purpose and focus of your contact/intervention at this point?


What happened, where and when; who was involved?

Emma is a young girl who has complex health needs. She was born prematurely and has been diagnosed with a kidney failure. She isn’t allowed to have anything orally as it causes her to aspirate; meaning anything she eats enters into her lungs and can be life threatening. She is fed through an NG (nasogastric) tube which is an insertion of a tube through the nose and down into the stomach. She is chronically small for her age – underdeveloped.
The family living condition is quite poor (living in private renting). There are moulds and leakages in the house. Family have tried contacting the housing agency on several occasion but with no positive outcome. Emma’s health has significantly deteriorated over the last few months and family believe this is caused by their home environment.
Enrolled in special needs school but currently not attending school, miss going to school and seeing his friends, known to many services due to her complex medical issues (Kidney Team, Speech and language specialist, Social workers etc), family have been offered respite but don’t want to go due to their culture and religion (Muslim), non-compliance of parents to take Emma to school.

. What was your role/involvement in the incident?

. What was the context of this incident?

. What was the purpose and focus of your contact/intervention at this point?

. What were your thoughts and feelings at the time of this incident?

. What were the responses of other key individuals to this incident?