Black Mirror : What kind of world view could potentially manifest from viewing this type of content? What “bricks” of information are you being given to cultivate that world view? What does this episode suggest to you about our behavior and/or societal norms?

Black Mirror: “Nosedive” Worksheet

Your responses should total no less than 250 words (that’s total, not 250 words per question)

1.  What kind of world view could potentially manifest from viewing this type of
content? What “bricks” of information are you being given to cultivate that world view? What does this episode suggest to you about our behavior and/or societal norms?

2. Let’s incorporate some frame setting into the conversation. What is the core theme/issue of this episode, and what are the implications of that theme/issue? What do you think is the cause
of the issue?

3. Can you identify the application of social capital in this episode? How so? Is Lacie more about bridging or bonding social capital? How so?

4. What hegemonic, or mainstream, ideologies do you see being portrayed or implied? In other words, do you see some cultural or social assumptions that we have adopted as “common sense” being reinforced in this episode?

5. Did you experience resonance during this episode? If so, how? If not, why not?