Briefly describe the reporting units that compose the consolidated entity of United Way of America. How are they operationally interrelated?

United Way Worldwide

1. Briefly describe the reporting units that compose the consolidated entity of United Way of America. How are they operationally interrelated?

2. Using the consolidated statement of financial position, identify and briefly explain the consolidation eliminations. Then describe the components and amounts of each of the major items composing the consolidated net assets and equity. Finally, using the statement of financial position information along with the footnote information, describe the components of the custodial funds asset and custodial funds liability in the consolidated columns.

3. Using the consolidated statement of activities, what are the four largest revenue sources? What are the four largest expenses? What is the consolidated total of fund-raising expenses?

4. Using the supplemental schedule, the statement of functional expenses, and the footnotes, describe the four largest program services categories. What are the three largest expense categories?

5. Accessing Form 990, briefly describe the major types of information required on this Internal Revenue Service form.