Evaluate the Snoring Sleepers business plan from the perspective of investor. Please see attached questions to guide your due diligence. Assessment criteria are provided for your reference.


A ‘due diligence’ of the business plan means that you will analyse whether t. You are performing the due diligence from the investor’s point of view, you should identify strengths and what needs to be changed for you in order to invest.

Evaluate the Snoring Sleepers business plan from the perspective of investor. Please see attached questions to guide your due diligence. Assessment criteria are provided for your reference.

Due Diligence instructions and questions (Note that this file only provides guiding questions – please use a basic report format, not the format shown in the PDF):

You do not have to rewrite the business plan. You should write a critique of the business plan and make proposals on how you would change it.

You do not have a profile to follow. Use your knowledge and experience to make your assessment and changes.

Assessment criteria

In-depth and intelligent judgement of the technology and appropriability position, business model, market, team, financials and industry value chain. (25%)

Qualitative suggestions (measures and alternatives) on how to improve/adapt the business idea and plan. (25%)

Correct use of concepts, frameworks and theories seen in the assigned readings, campus sessions and online content. (25%)

Clarity of ideas, structure, writing style, references, layout, etc. (25%)

Word count: 1,500 words