Air Pollution : What the environmental or natural resource problem or issue is and who it is affecting what, who, when, why, and how? Is there some degree of scientific uncertainty associated with the problem?

 Air Pollution

The paper should be approximately 16 pages, 6 Chapters in length, and have at least 15 peer-reviewed articles as references. Please, double-space your text and use a 12 pt. font.

1.What the environmental or natural resource problem or issue is and who it is affecting what, who, when, why, and how? Is there some degree of scientific uncertainty associated with the problem?

2. What public policies exist to regulate the problem/issue? What policy instrument(s) are being used?

3. Which agency is implementing the policy? Who has authority? What is the level of funding and source(s) of funding for implementation?

4. Who or what activities are being regulated or affected by the policy? Have these companies or groups resisted the regulation or policy? If so, how? Or do they appear to be accepting of the policy? Is there evidence of polarization among the public regarding this policy?

5.Have there been any efforts to evaluate the policy? Have any reports been produced on how effective the policy has been? Any press articles describing the policy and its effectiveness? What type of data or information, and analysis would be required to evaluate the effectiveness of the policy? How should the results be shared and with whom?
6. Is there any evidence of efforts or interest in modifying the policy among policymakers, the public, or the regulated industry?