2. Additionally compare and contrast the genres of the Sonata and the Concerto. What are the differences between those. Your answer on this question should be one paragraph long.

Chapter 14 and 15 First Assignment

Read carefully! To complete this assignment, you must email me your response directly, by April 11th by the end of the day. This is your assignment material for the next two chapters. You must complete the following items below .Please listen very carefully to the two piano sonatas and the Concerto and the opera Don Giovanni. Please pay attention to the main characters, the plot of the opera, and the sound and style of the music.

1. Please pick one of the two piano sonatas and the piano concerto ( pick one work) and list what classical features are found in it, that distinguish it as a classical style sonata/ concerto, as opposed to a baroque work. Please include concepts such as form, type of themes, structure of the first movement, number of movements, texture, instrumentation).

Your answer should be at least 2 paragraphs long.

2. Additionally compare and contrast the genres of the Sonata and the Concerto. What are the differences between those. Your answer on this question should be one paragraph long.

3. Pick one scene of the opera, describe the action ( what the characters are doing, what is happening in the plot at that time). Also describe what is happening with the music in that scene, and how the music and action work together. Please indicate the time stamps in your submit ion for the scene you choose. ( Remember a scene is part of an act. Each act of the opera contains many scenes).

Dr. Blagoeva

Mozart Sonata in D, K 284

https://youtu.be/YbtMj4TeU90 (Links to an external site.)