What are your thoughts on this, is this considered bias? If you could, how would you persuade your manager, pro or con regarding this potential employee?

Ethical Dilemma.


Your department in the hospital you work for is extremely short staffed at the moment. There is an applicant that has gone through the interview process (supervisors, peers, etc.) and seems to be very well received. They are qualified and have adequate experience. The department director decides not to hire them based solely on the fact that they have gauged ears , not overly large but larger than normal earrings would be. Currently, the overly outdated hospital dress code policy states “piercings are to be limited to the ears”

What are your thoughts on this, is this considered bias? If you could, how would you persuade your manager, pro or con regarding this potential employee?

At least 2 references and APA no older than 5 years old.