What is the anticipated content of the group sessions? This should provide enough detail for the reader to have a clear sense of the content areas likely to be covered during the life of the group.

Social Group Program Proposal


You work in a community health service as a counsellor and advocate. Due to the demographics of the area, a large proportion of clients are older adults who access the service for support with medications and long-term medical conditions.

Nurses in the centre report that many older clients seem isolated and lack social support. On a recent home visit, an older client
commented that they don’t feel comfortable driving and have limited access to public transport.

As a result, their visits to the community health centre are one of their few opportunities to leave the house. Senior management have asked you, as the social worker, to explore the feasibility of a group program to provide additional support to this group of clients.

1.What is the anticipated content of the group sessions? This should provide enough detail for the reader to have a clear sense of the content areas likely to be covered during the life of the group.

2. What process issues should be considered for your proposed group? How might social structures such as class, gender, race and culture, age, ability, sexuality impact on your particular group? How might you make the group a safe place to be? What particular strategies might you adopt to ensure socially inclusive practice.