What is the sample of the study? What is the population of the study that the researchers are generalizing the results to?

Answer the questions using this article


Read the attached article.Based on the article, discuss the following questions:

1. What type of research is conducted in the article( exploratory, explanatory, descriptive, program evaluation)? 0.3 points.

2. What are the research hypotheses? Are the research hypotheses nondirectional or directional? 0.3 points.

3. Are the null hypotheses stated or implied? If implied, please formulate the null hypotheses. 0.4 points.

4. What is the unit of analysis of the study? This is a very trick question. Be sure to check the sample sizes (N) provided in Table 3 on page 11. 0.5 points.

5. What is the sample of the study? What is the population of the study that the researchers are generalizing the results to? 0.5 points.

6. What is the level of measurement of the six dependent variables in the study (six dimensions of empowerment)? To answer this question, please see Table 2 on page 9. 0.5 points.

7. See p-values in Table 4 (see Table 4 only). What levels of significance are used in the article? Some p-values for the variables in the models are equal to zero (i.e., p<0.001). In these cases, can we be 100% certain that the difference found is due to a systematic influence of the independent variables and not due to chance? Why or why not? 0.5 points