What happened to chicken and processed mea consumption in the 3 to 4 decades prior to 2000?

Should We Eat Meat: Chapter 3

Make sure all work is done in format Arial 12.

Define the following words found in the Chapter 3:

  • Agroecosystem
  • Listeria
  • Antipodal
  • Droving
  • Idiosyncratic
  • Subsistence Farming
  • Proscription
  • Hippophagic
  • Pastoralists
  • Dispassionate
  • Take-off rate
  • Adhored
  • Lemmings
  • Amalgamation

Why is it difficult to determine the actual consumption and waste of meat products?

What has the processes of industrialization and urbanization done in many countries (generally overlooked)?

What are the three most fundamental factors behind the rise of world meat consumption?

By 2000, what percent of the global grain is used for feed for animals?

What are four consequences of dietary transition?

What lead to increased food demand of urban dwellers?

Is the quote of Upton Sinclair on page 76 true? Defend your answer.

What law was passed by Congress as a result of the ‘The Jungle”?

What changed in the way chicken was sold from 1960 to 1990?

How were animals moved to markets in 1930? Today?

Gustavus F. Swift – What was his claim to fame?

Where are the most sheep and goats traded – live?

What happened to chicken and processed mea consumption in the 3 to 4 decades prior to 2000?

What factors effected the dietary transition in America vs the rest of the world?

What two countries had the most rapid dietary transition accompanied by increased meat consumption?

What country is first mentioned as consuming horse meat?

What two things prevent poor countries from increased meat consumption?

What are the two top world food chains that sell chicken?

What are the two top world food chains that sell beef?

What one invention has contributed the most to the increase of meat consumption?

What imposes the most fundamental limits on meat production?

In 2010, what were the best guess on numbers of cattle/water buffalo, pigs, sheep/goats, horses, and camels slaughtered?

What are the three approved methods of stunning an animal?

What must happen to muscle before it becomes meat?

What are the three main categories of by products