Swami Tyagananda claims that learning about different religions can deepen our own faith commitments and help us learn more about ourselves and our own religious traditions. Do you agree with his perspective? Why or why not?

God Is Not One

1After watching the video clip of Swami Tyagananda and reading the “Introduction” in our textbook

1) What are your thoughts about the perspectives on religious diversity offered by Swami Tyagananda and Stephen Prothero? Are you more persuaded by Swami Tyagananda’s argument that all religions are true and that they are all answering the same basic questions? Or do you find Prothero’s argument that religions have important differences because they are different answers to different questions to be more convincing?

2) Swami Tyagananda claims that learning about different religions can deepen our own faith commitments and help us learn more about ourselves and our own religious traditions. Do you agree with his perspective? Why or why not?