Identify the name of the planned giving professional, position title, organization and organization website. Write two sentences on why you selected this organization and your connection to it or its mission.

Instructions for Part 1:

  • Complete internet research on a nonprofit with a successful, mature and thriving planned giving program. See here for characteristics of mature giving programs.
  • Identify the name of the planned giving professional, position title, organization and organization website. Write two sentences on why you selected this organization and your connection to it or its mission.
  • Post to the discussion board. You do not need to respond to peers. However, you may be interested to see which organizations they select and view the corresponding websites to familiarize yourself with common elements of thriving planned giving programs.


Part 2:

  • Contact the planned gift officer and schedule a phone or video conference (ex: Skype/Zoom) interview. You will submit day/time of the interview and the ten questions you prepared to facilitate your discussion about a career as a Planned Giving Officer.