Health and Social Care : Develop an academic poster and present key information future role your profession.

Health and Social Care

Develop an academic poster and present key information future role your profession.

Poster is to be Al size and is to be submitted digitally via Turnitln.

Word count equivalent is 1000 words.

Recommended fonts for the bulk of the presentation are — CALIBRI, ARIAL OR TIMES NEW ROMAN.

Your poster must include:

• An introduction

• Details of the governing and licensing bodies for your profession

• The Key Roles performed

• The skills needed and why

• Details of your professional interaction with the patient/service use/ client

• Examples of how you will uphold the standards required by your chosen

• Information on current clinical trials and research being undertaken by your chosen profession • A conclusion

• Reference List at the end. Note that this can be in a smaller font than the rest of the presentation, as long as it is readable.
NB — Note that any images used must also be referenced.